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Delispice Pistachio 1kg

pistachio, (Pistacia vera), small tree of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae) and its edible seeds, grown in dry lands in warm or temperate climates. The pistachio tree is believed to be indigenous to Iran. It is widely cultivated from Afghanistan to the Me

Delispice Pan Masala 900gm

Delispice Pan Masala 900gm

Pan Masala is most often considered to be an item to aid digestion or used as a breath freshener for use after consuming highly spicy meals.

Delispice Cashew Nuts1kg

Cashew nut is made up of a fruit in which the kernel is embedded. The real fruit of the cashew is commonly a nut. It is a kidney- or heart-shaped achene, in any normal variety. Its color varies from bottle green to grayish brown (dried fruit). ... The nu

Delispice Soan Papdi 250gm

Soan papdi (also known as san papri, shompapri,sohan papdi, shonpapdi or patisa) is a popular South Asian dessert. It is usually cube-shaped or served as flakes, and has a crisp and flaky texture.

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